Our product
In the following area we would like to present our product to you. We will show you the advantages of the web application and the associated app. Curious? Here we show you tidybuddy!
Scheduling for employees
With tidybuddy you can assign new tasks to your employees quickly and clearly. Orders are completed more thoroughly and you increase the satisfaction of your customers.
Your employees can perform their work more effectively and save time. In the tidybuddy app, all tasks to be processed are prepared as a checklist, which have to be checked off.

Employee management
You can enter and view the working hours of your employees as well as upcoming vacation days. In addition, tidybuddy detects when an employee has been scheduled outside of his availability.
Use the document repository here to manage contracts and documentation.
Through a real-time synchronization of the data, as well as the mobile app, all employees have access to object-relevant information always and everywhere.

Project Management
Create planning templates for faster object processing. Clear scheduling allows all tasks to be planned and organized to the minute.
Create building areas and routines that can be assigned in employee planning. Create orders and invoices directly from the planning and make your work processes more efficient.

Enter object and customer data
Easily enter new objects of your customers into the web application and manage them in one place. View all customer data in the overviews at a glance.
Contracts, special services and invoices can be stored in the documents for each customer.
Our tidybuddy app can simply do more!
Preparation is everything!
The tidybuddy app works with your employees to help them prepare for the workday. So no key or material will be forgotten.

All done?
The app also provides support during work for all tasks that need to be done. Your employees can check off completed tasks in a checklist. If there are still tasks to be done, tidybuddy shows a red completion level and draws attention to the missing work.

Plan ahead!
tidybuddy helps employees to quickly complete tasks by providing a checklist for each item. If tasks cannot be completed, employees can take or upload a photo. The missing task can be explained by a comment.

Simple time tracking
Time recording has never been as easy as with tidybuddy. In the app, times for activities such as preparation, approach, cleaning and breaks can be recorded separately and to the minute.
The data is then automatically sent to the web app and can be evaluated by you. Due to the offline function of the time recording, data is stored and subsequently transmitted even if the internet connection is poor.

Your questions, our solution:
Where are my employees when they clock in and which tasks have already been completed?
With tidybuddy, all employee data can always be stored clearly. By using GPS tracking, locations of employees can be viewed. Furthermore, vacation and vacation data or open tasks will never get lost again. Also specific data like the employment level, driving licenses, account data or salary data can be created and stored.
How can I track when my employees were active?
Employee time planning can become a challenge. With tidybuddy, time tracking becomes easy! Start and end times are visible at a glance and can be filtered by activity or project. Even the entry of breaks, vacations and vacations can be entered without any problems.
How do I organize orders sensibly?
The times of handwritten to-do lists and Excel tables are over! With tidybuddy you can immediately see which tasks are still open or to which object they belong. Cleaning and control tasks can be stored flexibly. No matter if they are weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.
How to simplify the workaround for my employees?
With tidybuddy, all data about the objects and customers are collected and stored in one place. If there are contact persons for the different objects, they can also be stored here. Have keys been handed over? Key details and other important information about required materials for the different objects can be entered in the main data.
How do I keep track of my tasks?
Structure and clarity are essential for building management. To ensure this, all lists can be filtered by date and participants. A degree of fulfillment is displayed for each object and its tasks.
How can I make my company more efficient?
Evaluations are essential to ensure efficiency. At the desired time, all working times of the employees can be evaluated and compared with target times. See directly where there is potential for improvement or which object consumes how much material and time.